Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Got tagged by CB (quite some time ago now) to do this charming little meme. Sorry it's taken me so long, but such is life.So here are 8 things about me you, my darling imaginary reader, probably didn't already know:

1. I was born in a house in southern Michigan with a dirt foundation and no insulation.

2. My favorite translation of Homer is by Richard Lattimore. The Lattimore texts were also the first I ever read of the ancient greeks-- I was in the fifth grade.

3. I have a distinct aversion to Busch Light, all stemming from one very unfortunate night my freshman year of college.

4. I didn't have a cell phone until 3 days ago.

5. My mother made snapping turtle soup and served it at my high school graduation open house.

6. I always eat new england clam chowder and ritz crackers on the morning of the first snow.

7. I own two tobacco pipes, but only use one of them.

8. I still blush when I go to the movies and people kiss on screen.

In regards to tagging, I think that's a little pointless.

1 comment:

Moominmama said...

damnit, now you've given me a craving for clam chowder and Ritz!!!