Thursday, August 16, 2007

Scotland update: 29 days?

The devil is not only in the details, but also my stomache acid. I'm having regular anxiety attacks at 7:00 pm each day and have been unable to keep down solid food since learning that I've been accepted. I'm on one hell of a roll.

Also, I got another e-mail today from Dr. King, this one telling me for sure that I've been accepted, but I'm not one of her new pets-- she in charge of the Lit major, but I'm in the MLitt in Comparative Literature and Thought. I'm not quite sure what that means, other than that somebody else will be contacting me. Fun, fun.

I'm attempting to fill out my FAFSA, but in the mad move home from the undergrad, I have NO IDEA where the copies of my tax returns went. I don't even know if I made copies. I'm an idiot. Here's to hoping I can call the IRS and they'll actually help me. Somehow I think that's kind of a long shot.

I e-mailed both the accomodation office and the register's (financial aid) in the hopes that I will hear back from them tomorrow. I really want to get my loans squared away as soon as possible. Then I get to buy some plane tickets. But before I do that, I need to know when I can move in. Ahh, so many little steps. Damnit. And I'm broke.

Regarding my previous post freak out about the MSF, I talked to my boss, and maybe there's hope. some hope. Something about breaking up the job that I've got right now into 3 seperate positions and maybe making me the company manager... more on this at a later point. Like when I'm not tired.

DAMNIT. I can't find the sheet of paper I wrote the phone numbers on for U of Aberdeen housing. Maybe it's in my purse. Damn missing paperwork and my inability to organize!

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