Thursday, December 13, 2007


So, what do you think??


Unknown said...

I think the first book was great, the second two were somewhat tepid, and I'm a little hesitant about the movie. (I just hate when well-intentioned people Hollywoodize good books.)

But a friend of mine who's an avid fantasy reader gave it rave reviews. She said the casting was perfect and it was very true to the book. So who knows, maybe I will go see it. But I might want to reread it first. ; )

Alan said...

Well, like Charlotte, I loved the first in this trilogy and will defintely go and see it.

I'm currently reading it with my 9 yo - so will wait until we've finished though.

Moominmama said...

i'm reading Northern Lights now, and it's scaring the living piss out of me. i don't know who in their right mind thinks this is a fucking KIDS BOOK, but i sure as shit wouldn't give it to a kid to read.

that said, it's a really good book, just too damn scary for words.

i will not be seeing the movie, even if it does have James Bond, who will be perfect as Lord Asriel.

(Hey, wasn't that the name of Gargamel's cat???)