Monday, July 21, 2008

So cute it hurts...

So, I finally broke down and went to the movies. Yes, that's right-- Miss Melville went on an outing to the talkies. Only this one didn't have so much talking as beeping and whistling. Are you catching on yet?

A dear friend thought is might have been too much beeping, what with my supersonic hearing and all, but I'm happy to report (despite the deafening volume of cinema sound systems nowadays-- seriously, does it have to be that loud?) that I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Well, all except the part where they showed the trailer for High School Musical 3. That's just gross and wrong.

Anyways, as I'm sure you have probably guessed, I went to see Wall-E, and it was everything I wanted from Pixar-- cute, visually engaging, wholesome, a bit tongue in cheek, packed with little side-jokes, and chockabock environmentalist propaganda. *sighs contentedly*

He's just so damn cute! I know, I know, robots with personality are generally a bad idea [see: Hal] but this one goes about collecting little things he finds interesting and generally being constructive and cleaning up the earth which has been abandoned by its consumeristic human infestation, who have fled to space to escape their own waste. (Read that last line out loud, it so totally inadvertently rhymes!)

There are some other key members of this little robot cast who deserve a shout-out-- Eve, the pretty girl robot who helps Wall-E live out his Hello, Dolly! hand-holding fantasy, and Mo, also voiced by Ben Burtt who did sound design for the Star Wars movies and a bit of Indiana Jones as well. Non-robots who retain loveable status is basically limited to Wall-E's pet cockroach, who first bridges the gap between Wall-E and Eve, like all good pets do.

While I'm always an advocate for staying in your seat through ALL of the credits (for various reasons-- first of all, show some respect. Those best boys and third set lighting men and women worked hard on this movie, so have the decency to watch as their names blip past on the screen, it's literally the least you can do. Secondly, movie tickets cost so damn much nowadays, I'm going to make it last for as long as humanly possible. Third, there might be a little something at the end! Made all the difference in that last X-Men movie, now didn't it!) it's especially important for this one. With the clever use of art history, the viewer gets a glimpse of the recolonization effort and the reaclimation of mankind. From cave paintings to mosaics to oils, these credits have it all! Plus, the track from Peter Gabriel doesn't hurt. ;)

All in all, I give it the full five corroded and personable robots.

1 comment:

The Pixy Princess said...

I ended up watching Wall-E on a long haul flight to Australia and positively troubled my fellow passengers as I BAWLED my eyes out through several parts of the movie.
They were VERY pleased (and mostly relieved) when my next choice was an action packed, hardly-any-dialogue type flick.