Wednesday, September 10, 2008

While You Were Out...

Big changes upon which I will expound in due time (read: not now). Best to bust out the bullet points for this one, methinks!
  • Got a new job on campus, that basically means I'm on campus every day, breathing the academic atmosphere and shifting my focus back away from shift work to intellectual work, despite the fact that I basically do office work. Regardless, it pays and it's fewer and better timed hours. Baby gets her evenings back! *woot woot*
  • Quit the wine shop, which was good fun and good viniculture education, but not so related to my life as I want to be living it post-phd. That, and the basement where all the wine is stored had a ceiling so low that even I couldn't stand up straight. This is shocking if you know how tall I actually am in flat shoes. That, and hauling the cases of wine about was doing my back in on a repetitive basis.
  • Came to the sad realization that I have an abusive landlord. This requires a whole backstory that I really don't have time to write at the moment, so I'll just leave it at this.
  • Found a new flat! I'll be letting it from the parents of a friend, and it's b-e-a-utiful! The rent is a £100 more than I'm paying now per bedroom, and it's just a two bedroom place. This is a good thing because...
  • A very dear friend of mine, let's call her Jen, is moving here from the US! YAY! She's basically fleeing the country, for many reasons I'm sure. But I've just secured a two bedroom apartment for us, and she arrives towards the end of October! And since it'll just be the two of us, no more sharing a bathroom among six people!! Exclaimation points for everyone!
  • On the short list for providing a new home for a lovely pup-- Bonnie. She's a bonnie wee lass, an older Scottish Terrier who really needs a new family to love and adore her, but I need to double-check that the new landlords would be cool with having a fully-trained smallish dog in their flat. I really, really, really hope they are, as I've been wanting a dog for a while now.
  • Booked my train tickets down to Bristol for this woman's wedding. I've not been that far south on this lovely island yet, so seeing the countryside from the train should be nice. However, it's going to take ELEVEN HOURS to get there. No joke. Even for me, that's a lot of countryside. Here's to hoping the train has wireless-- some of them do, so stop laughing.
  • On the way back from the aforementioned wedding, I'm stopping in London. There are some bride's maids committments that I've got to fulfill on Saturday morning, and that means that I can't leave Bristol early enough to get back to the 'Deen the same day. So, it'll be Miss Melville in London: One Night Only! I'll be spending Saturday night in the fully capable care of Aplha, who's living down there nowadays, and crashing on her floor if there's any crashing to be had. I have a sneeking suspicion that we'll just stay out until she pours me back onto the train at Kings Cross and then I'll have 8 hours to sober up before changing in the Burgh of Edin. I'm anticipating carnage and shinanigans.
  • My welcome and orientation meeting the the Ph.D. of DOOM is slated for the 25th. Holy shit.
  • I get my own office. Or, at least a desk in a cupboard somewhere. They were a little hazy with the details. Regardless, I'm putting my name on the door, even if I have to whittle it there myself, Old Red-style.

I think that's about all for now. Needs must run to the mobile store to try to get someone explain to me why the new phone I bought is doing a fantastic impression of a rock.


Joanna in Las Vegas said...

Good luck in getting the landlord to OK Bonnie. Persuade him that a 'lady' of certain age will not chew the woodwork, bark at every imagined noise and genuinely needs a HOME which you and your friend will provide. Scotties are precious beings but not terribly dependent as Cairns are.

Good luck in your PhD.... just remember what degrees can mean. B.S. well you know that, M.S. means 'more of same' and PhD means 'piled higher and deeper'.

Remember to BREATHE. Stroking a Scottie is wonderful for grounding you especially on days when you thing the world has it in for you.

Yours, Aye
Joanna Carroll in Las Vegas Nevada USA
missing her precious Scottie girl, Gwen RB last April.

Davide Grody said...

Abusive landlord?? New apartment with US friend??? Me oh my, how things have changed in the 'deen since I took off for the land of milk and honey. MISS YOU!

Elizabeth said...

Yay for friends coming and new apartments!
Also, you must take a picture of yourself at Platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross for me. Seriously, my Harry Potter nerdiness needs it.